Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Week 6 — Project 2: Rhetoric

On Friday, everyone will meet in Irving Auditorium at 8-8:30am for a mandatory graphic design department meeting 

  • Review your printed pieces. Take careful notes for later revisions.

Part A: Identifying Rhetoric (modes & tropes)
  • 3 modes x 3 found examples per mode = 9 total
  • 1 found example per trope = 9 total
Each example will be:
  • considered and well-crafted documentation of found artifacts
  • clear and consistent labeling, descriptions and citations
  • thoughtful and consistent composition of elements (type and image)

Part B: Rhetorical Combos (persuasive matrix & sketches)
  • produce studies of your chosen topic that successfully employ the theory
  • execute 3 out of 9 tropes, one from each mode = 3 total (one example each of ethos, pathos & logos, different trope for each)
  • studies are well-crafted and formally engaging
  • studies are communicative and insightful
  • clear/correct labeling
Plus, include clear and selective documentation of analog sign-mapping and matrix.

Part C: Defining Rhetoric
  • clear/correct and concise definitions for each term, in your own words (14 total)
  • rhetoric, metonymy, synecdoche, antithesis, pun, hyperbole, metaphor, personification, irony, parody
  • modes of appeal, pathos, logos, ethos
  • well written, concise and insightful reflection on what you learned about rhetoric and its application to graphic design practice (1-2 paragraphs)
  • thoughtfully typeset the above definitions and statement. Must be a new/different approach from project 1.

  • Prepare a thoughtful verbal/visual presentation of Parts A, B, C (see above). 7 minutes max.
  • Have your keynote ready, before start of class.
  • Post to blogs for evaluation.
Kim Huynh:

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